Hi Chris,
A couple of quick questions if you don’t mind. (If you do mind, then might as well answer them anyway seems your here)
1) Did the Queen comment on which she enjoyed more – Your latest rendition of Our House, or holding Lee at “Her Majesty’s pleasure” in his earlier rebellious years?
I didn’t speak to her, only Charles.
2) Did you have chance to think during your performance “Well B**ger me, 1/5 of the population of the Planet is listening to a song i co-wrote?”
1/5th what about the other 1/4?
3) Who would win in a fight, 1981 Chas or 2012 Lee ? (Lee’s saxophone is slightly out of reach)
Not a clue
4) Finally, have
you guys every thought about every opening a chain of madness themed Music schools? I run my own in Scotland and love making sure kids get a chance to learn old music as well as new.
That idea has never occurred to me
Could you just say hi to my Nutty kids, Josh, Jake, Callum and Erin – aged 6-10, all have been recently converted to Maddies, and as the next generation need to continue the popularity of Madness; it would make their day.
Hello kids be good CB
Peace and Gibsons,